It seems that our generation has picked up another nickname… the Boomerang Generation. Apparently we are so named for boomeranging back to our place of origin and choosing to cohabitate with our parents…
We hired bikes and rode out to north Holland to find some tulips… Dan filmed it, here’s the video: Tulips are an integral part of Amsterdam life and history.…
I look across the tram at Amber. Her eyes look as bleary as mine feel. Dan’s aren’t much better, but at least he is disguising them with sunglasses. Surprisingly,…
Spring seems to be flying by so quickly! It was only a few weeks ago that I was saying goodbye to my “gardening leave” and starting fresh in a new full…
Every April for the last 3 years we have enjoyed a holiday to celebrate my birthday, Dan’s birthday and our wedding anniversary. This April saw us in the Mediterranean… In…
In the UK, and probably other parts of the world, the terms “gardening leave” is used to describe the practice where an employee leaving a job is instructed to…
This winter is going so quickly! Being our third winter in the UK, I thought that we would be faced with wet, dreary weather, possible snow storms and disrupted…
I am slowly starting to realise that the fantasy that we were living whilst on our Working Holiday Visa, or our “grown-up gap year”, is almost at an end…
Bristol, a city of about 480,000 people, is located just 2.5 hours’ drive west of London in England’s south west region. The city was originally built around the River…