This winter is going so quickly! Being our third winter in the UK, I thought that we would be faced with wet, dreary weather, possible snow storms and disrupted travel… but somehow we have missed all the drama this year.
I suppose it did help that every few weeks we have been popping over to the continent for a quick getaway or week –long trip. After we saw the Northern Lights in Trondheim (Norway), we spent Christmas with dear friends in Munich and New Year’s in the snow in Austria. Then we had a visit from mum and dad, all the way from Brisbane, during January.
We spent a weekend with them exploring the Cotswolds, staying near the Blenheim Castle grounds and the city of Oxford.
On a walking tour of Oxford we visited many of the colleges as well as the Bodleian Library; a Harry Potter film location, and home to 11million books and incredible stone carvings. We also visited Arlington Row, Bilbury, a cluster of former weavers’ cottages overlooking a water meadow called Rack Isle,
and the church of St Mary, Swinbrook, where the graves of Nancy, Unity & Diana Mitford are located.
In February we met up with them in Madrid, Spain. Together we spent the days wandering though the sunny city, sampling sangria, tasting Paella and visiting the historical sites.

Photography by Richard Moore
It was so lovely to spend time with them while they were in Europe.
Other than winter getaways, we have been working and saving for some exciting trips throughout the year – how else are we going to be able to get to 30 countries by 30?
Dan is still enjoying his job and I am enjoying the flexibility of freelance while searching for my dream job. After years of joking that “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up”, I feel that I am creeping closer to the answer. There are a few prospects on the horizon and I am looking forward to a new challenge.
In the meantime, we are spending time in the garden and trying to get it nice for the summer. This is a totally new project for us, so any tips and encouragement are greatly appreciated!
Stay tuned for travel updates – there are some good ones coming up!
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